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"Building Faith, Family, and Future"

Thursday, November 7 - Sunday, November 10

Presented by Pacific Revival Center and Victory Churches USA

We invite you to join us for Mothers’ Summit 2024 a time of refreshing, healing, and change.  Dynamic speakers, lively music, and life-changing fellowship, "Building Faith, Family, and Future".  Our future leaders, Man-in-Demand (Ages 12-19) and Daughters of Virtue and Excellence (D.O.V.E.S - Ages 12-19) will have sessions dedicated to their development . 


Thursday, November 7

Pacific Revival Center, Waipahu, HI

Friday, November 8

Day Session

Hyatt Regency Waikiki Beach Hotel & Resort

Evening Session

Pacific Revival Center, Waipahu, HI

Saturday, November 9

Hyatt Regency Waikiki Beach Hotel & Resort

Sunday, November 10

Pacific Revival Center, Waipahu, HI


On Friday evening, and Saturday morning we will have classes for ages 13+. It will cover topics like choosing your career, defining yourself as a person, and being leaders in your friend groups. There will be a Daughters of Virtue and Excellence (D.O.V.E) program for the young women; and a Man In Demand (M.I.D.) discussion for the young men.

Friday, November 8

Pacific Revival Center, Waipahu, HI

Saturday, November 9

Hyatt Regency Waikiki Beach Hotel & Resort

Understanding God’s purpose for our lives and building faith and family through His eyes.  

“Unknown purpose always wastes time and gives possibility of danger.  The greatest tragedy in life is not fear but a life without purpose.  When the purpose is not known, abuse is inevitable."

- Dr. Myles Monroe

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